Edward "Terry" Skone

Edward "Terry" Skone

Terry was born to Edward Nelson and Halcyon Lorraine (Terry) Skone on November 28, 1940 in Brainerd. Terry graduated from the Crosby-Ironton High School, class of 1958, Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN, class of 1962. He then furthered his education at the Graduate School of Banking in Madison, WI, graduating in 1967. Terry directed/owned the First National Bank of Deerwood for 42 years and is a current board member. He was the founder of the Citizens Community Bank and Marco Community Bank both in Marco Island, FL. Terry was involved with numerous organizations including, Deerwood Fire Department, Deerwood Civic and Commerce, Crosby Chamber of Commerce, Central Lakes College Foundation, Rotary, was state treasurer of the Jobs Daughters, Brainerd Lakes Chamber, Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rite, Shriners, Brainerd Lakes Area Development Corporation, C-I Quarterbacks, Minnesota Bankers Association (50 year Banker), Holding Company Association of Upper Midwest (all chairs), American Bankers Association (all chairs), American Bankers Association (Government Relations Council), Cuyuna Range Medical Center Board/Chairman for 20 years, life member of Salem Lutheran Church in Deerwood, Associate member of Marco FL Lutheran Church, Cuyuna Country Club Board, Minnesota National Guard, Project Haiti, Elks Lodge and the American Legion. Terry passed away at the age of 74 on May 31, 2015.


“I am honored to be the recipient of your scholarship. Without your generosity, continuing and completing my degree to be a Healthcare Administrative Specialist would prove to be much more difficult. your scholarship will allow me to buy all of my books I need for the upcoming semester. Thank you again for this generous and thoughtful gift.”
- Spring 2016 Scholarship recipient/Healthcare Administrative Specialist Student

“I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the gift of this scholarship. Truly, I am honored to receive this financial award, and I recognize that this gift flows from the legacy of a man who cared deeply about his community. This scholarship will ease my financial burden and is a tangible reminder that people are rooting for me to succeed in college, and in life. Your gift reaches out and will bless me throughout my life, not just this semester. My hope is that someday, I will be able to pay your generosity forward and help someone in need, just like you have helped with this financial gift to assist me in completed my college education at Central Lakes College.”
- Fall 2015 Scholarship Recipient

“I really cannot explain how thankful I am to receive this award. To me, it’s like a little breather and a little break from trying to find my own way of paying for school. Every little bit counts. Now I can rest easy knowing that I got help from you. Thank you again.”
- Fall 2015 Scholarship Recipient
