Nisswa American Legion
A tradition of service to country and community. We are a member-owned service organization dedicated to Veterans. There are two sides to our business: 1) bar/restaurant and 2) gaming.
“I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the scholarship you have awarded me. It means a lot to me that you have recognized my accomplishments and have chosen me out of all the other candidates. I graciously accept this honor and I am delighted to be able to use your donation to help fund my education. I will be graduating from Central Lakes College in May. Therefore, this scholarship is one of the best graduation gifts I could have received. Again, thank you for your generosity.”
- Spring 2015 Scholarship Recipient/Associate in Arts Student
“Thank you for the generous scholarship that your legion generously donated to me. Being a single mother of two going to school full time can put a strain on finances and be stressful at the best of times, your donation will help ease that stress.”
- Spring 2014 Scholarship Recipient/Nursing AS (RN) Student
“I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you for making the Nisswa American Legion Scholarship possible. I was excited to learn that I was selected to receive this honor and greatly appreciate your support. I personally guarantee you that I will put my very best effort into the furthering of my education. My hopes are that it pays off and I am able to help future students as you have helped me.”
- Spring 2013 Scholarship Recipient/Associate in Arts Student
“I want to send out my heartfelt thanks for the scholarship you have awarded me with. I am currently going to school for nursing at CLC in Brainerd and want to help people to the best of my abilities. the scholarship that you have provided me will help out greatly with tuition and books. At the moment, I am working at Lakewood Health System in Staples as a CNA. I have enjoyed helping others ever since I was a soldier in the Army. Whenever someone is in need I like to put their needs ahead of mine. I am very grateful that there are organizations such as your than can help others out. Thank you once again!!!”
- Spring 2013 Scholarship Recipient/PN (LPN) Student
“Thank you for bestowing the honor of being chosen to receive a scholarship from the Nisswa American Legion. I am proud to be an American veteran and appreciate the acknowledgement of this scholarship award.”
- Spring 2013 Scholarship Recipient/Criminal Justice AAS Student
“I am honored to be a recipient of the Nisswa American Legion Scholarship. I thank you for your generous support of this award and for helping Central Lakes College students afford an education… Once again, I offer my sincerest thanks for your generous support.”
- Spring 2013 Scholarship Recipent/Mach Tool Tech AAS Student